Sunday, October 12, 2008

Name Our Blog!!!!!

I'm in the process of changing from Blogspot to an alternative blogging platform and would like to change the name from rayanddeidre to something more appropriate and interesting.  
So, here's the deal, we welcome suggestions from the readers of this blog for a "catchy" name that might draw a larger readership.  Please submit as a comment and we will decide or enter it as a poll in which you can vote.
Nobody does anything for nothing, so the prize for submitting the winning entry is dinner at our favorite Parilla (Argentine Steakhouse).  There's a catch, the domain name must be available and you must be in BA sometime in the next 11 months or so to collect.  
Multiple votes accepted.
Bulldog and Mrs. Bulldog

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bulldogs Bucket List!